Naturally I listened, because I always listen to my sister. When I was 5 she told me to go show my Dad that I could stick up my middle finger by itself. Then my Dad showed me the wooden spoon.
How to bake with a 22 year old, good looking boy.
#1- Pray for patience. I know my sister had this as her number one too, but sometimes Mr. B acts like he's 2. Does that count?
#2-Make sure and bake right before the sun sets. Then you'll be able to run outside real quick to take picture. Don't forget to wear boots that are 7 sizes bigger than your feet so you almost biff it in the driveway.
#3- Explain the rules. Such as "don't eat these, I'm taking them to a party tonight" and "try and not boss me around too much in the kitchen."
#4- Stare him down while he smirks at your rules. Then plot a series of getting revenge starting with you not plugging his toothbrush back in after you use the outlet. Ha! That'll teach him.
#4- Talk about your future children wearing Carhartt overalls.
#5- Watch him break the rules.
#6- Always remember that baking in a 90 degree kitchen really makes it baking in a 100 degree kitchen during the process. Hence your helper not wearing a shirt. Believe me, I was not complaining one bit.
#7- Be thankful for quality time. And that today (unlike the last time I listened to my sister), wooden spoons were only used for baking purposes.
Your blogs away make me laugh. :) :)
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