
real deep.

I need prayer. More than ever right now. I'm battling with people in ways I never thought imaginable, I'm getting bombarded with negative traits about myself, I'm being dealt with cruel and hateful words.

And honestly, now I'm dealing with fear and doubt.

So, if you have a moment, will you just pray for me?

I'd really appreciate it.


Megan said...

Haven't stopped praying.

Kiri said...

I'm sorry for whatever you are going through! Stay strong!

kayla rotola said...

praying for you right now.

Trisha Marie said...

GIRL YOU DONT LISTEN TO NOBODY! "You is kind, you is smart, you is important." -The Help....But seriously...you have the best heart and you are beautiful and have a great fiance! Praying that this passes quickly!

Becca G said...

Ugh.....people. praying for u girl! Chin up!

Anonymous said...

I love you. I am definitely praying. I'm here to talk. ANYTIME!

the keith fam said...
