
cheerleaders are friends too.

I like my friends. They are beautiful, witty, persistent, compassionate and completely life giving to me.

You know the best part about being a friend to your friends? You get to cheer them on. 

Instead of feeling left behind when a friend is pursuing a deeper career - you get to send them extra coffee for fuel to study. And notes that let them know that you’re rooting for them to succeed.

Instead of feeling jealous of big life achievements and adventures that a friend is going through - you get to help them paint their kitchen cabinets and eat pizza on the floor of their new house.

Instead of sitting in sorrow when a friend is experiencing new life - you get to hold that baby and let your friend shower and eat in peace. 

It’s really easy to let sin take over our hearts when people we are close to seem like they are getting ahead of you, when they are receiving what you’re praying for instead of it becoming true for you. 

Don't sit there. Get your pom poms out and put a scrunchy in that hair. (I hear it's cool now?) 

Lets take the focus off of ourselves. Let’s little by little - choose the gracious, excited, encouraging route. Let’s do it with an expectant and grateful heart. 

Go team go! 

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