
a little christmas

Let's recap Christmas!

I need to do this or else I start forgetting things- like my purse at Buffalo Wild Wings for a week.

A week! 

Raise your hand if you know what I'll be working on for a 2015 resolution.. 

Anyway - here's Libby and Sarah. Usually with this side of the family the women are in the kitchen for a majority of the day peeling, slicing, baking, stirring, eating.



We're a sweatpants family. Sweatpants are less judgy. 

Here's Sarah and SkyBob. His real name is Skyler, but I like to give everything a nickname. And his Dad called him that once and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. 

Here's Mr. B looking all happy because he's sitting by rotel dip. 
And then he realizes that his Mom is taking some of it and he starts plotting revenge.  

Here's Khorbin opening a book! 

He immediately tried putting the whole thing in his mouth so I think he liked it. 

At least that's how I am with pie. 

And seriously, how much better does it get than your husband snuggling with a baby under the warmest blanket in the world? 

Not much. 

Unless you, your husband, and a baby are all sitting in a rocking chair trying to take a selfie. 

Then that's pretty much the best. 

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