
Meet Becca!

She's cute, funny, and just started a blog!

Becca is one of my good friends. We went to high school together, had the same pair of flower capris in grade school, and surprisingly both hate our natural red hair.

Yes, my hair is turning red. A three year old told me that yesterday.

And three year olds never lie.

On top of our great friendship, her husband and Mr. B get along so well.  Double date anyone? She's absolutely adorable and their marriage is a great example of how to pursue and love each other everyday.

Go to her blog.

Right now.

Diary of a Mad White Woman

Welcome to the blog world Becca!

1 comment:

Becca G said...

You're the sweetest, Kallie! :) thank you!

I remember those dumb capris, what were we thinking?! Ha. Didn't we wear them to state jazz? Oh the memories ;p