
the time we almost caved.

Sometimes you hear stories about people that just couldn't resist buying something for a child.

I used to hear those stories and nod in agreement - but then really be thinking "Yeah..no..."

For Cohens birthday this year - Shane and I (in typical behavior) didn't buy him a present before the party. So we did what we do best and told him we would take him to pick out his own present from the store!

So we loaded up in the truck and headed into town. This was shortly after I hugged my Mom goodbye and started crying. By the way, when does that stop? The crying thing. Never? Awesome.

Halfway to the store, Mr. B turns to Cohen and asks him if he's tired.

He says no.

Then I take this picture.

 And you know me, I couldn't resist another one!

We woke him up when we got to the store - and off we were to go pick out a present!

I've never seen a kid evaluate and analyze what they want to bring home. But when he finally did pick out a grain cart - he decided that it wouldn't be complete without the tractor.

So we told him to pick one.

And he said he needed both.

And I melted. Every.single.time. Especially because he picked the red ones.

Shane, let's just get him both! It's his birthday! The sun is shining! He can't pull a red grain cart with a green tractor! I'll sell the dog! How about we don't buy toothpaste next month?

But in true Mr. B form - he held his ground and came up with a better idea of a small tractor and cart. And instead of spending 80 bucks on a birthday present, it was a healthy number.

Then I pictured Dave Ramsey giving me a hug. In a total non weird way.

Just kidding - any hug from Dave Ramsey would be sort of weird.

And then I took a picture of homeboy helping Cohen into the truck because I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

And on a total unrelated (and kind of related) note - I really love my family.


Chad said...

keep doing this.

Megan said...



You guys are so sweet to take him!! He told me today (out of the blue!) he rode in Unka Shane's truck!