
date night.

Sometimes when I go to Iowa, I realize as I'm driving south out of town that I somehow forget to spend quality alone time with the boy that I mainly go to see.

I love quality time.

It gives me a mad case of the giggles and makes me want to write Mr. B's name all over my pencil pouch like a junior high girl.

So, last Thursday we went on a date to the local Mexican restaurant because chips and salsa are my favorite food in the world.

Besides hamballs.

And perogies.

And pancakes with peanut butter.

We ate so much Mexican goodness that we talked in Spanish the rest of the night. 

And Mr. B dressed up!

No, he didn't. I'm glad though because sometimes when he does dress up I kind of feel like I'm on a date with a Mr. B poser. Plus, he looks smokin' hot in hats. 

Smokin' hot. 

Thanks for the date Mr. B. And thanks for not judging me for eating 2 pounds of chips and salsa. 

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