

I decided to take the month of November off of social media.

Mostly because I was sick of the time I was wasting on it (hello priorities, let me rearrange you) - and even more sick of the election drama.

But if I was on instagram, these are the pictures you'd probably see.

We are soaking up every single day of this amazing fall weather by going to the park and running in town.

Rhett is really into figuring out how things work these days. I find him tinkering with his toys daily, trying to figure out how the wheels are on and how everything is connected.

Evening wagon rides in t-shirts are soon to be replaced with rides in a sled.

I had a little down time in the alley while Rhett took in a nap in the stroller. It was 30 minutes of pure goodness.

Libraries are our favorite. Especially the Grinnell one.

Rhett got to experience a haircut for the first time. We left Earl's with a picture of the slate house from the 1950's and gratefulness for small town living.

Lastly, I finally bit the bullet on spending actual money (aka, more than 20 bucks.) on skinny jeans. 10 years later and I've finally let my heart believe that they aren't just a trendy thing and it's okay to invest in a good pair. The kicker - they are also high waisted.


They hold it all in. No butt crack in sight. No belly showing when I raise my arms.

Just another instance of me eating my pre mama words.

I love eating my pre mama words.

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